IWTCF 2022

IWTCF 2022-Mustika Ratu’s Sweet Opportunity To Bring Products Globally

IWTCF 2022 – PT Mustika Ratu Tbk participated in the International Wellness Tourism Conference & Festival (IWTCF). The first fitness tourism event that combines three concepts, namely conferences, workshops, and exhibitions to support the revival of health and wellness tourism in Indonesia on August 5-7, 2022 in Solo City.

IWTCF is organized by the Ministry of Tourism and creative economy to support one of the G20 priority sectors, namely strengthening global health architecture.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno said health tourism (wellness tourism) at this time can be called the tourists choice.

“After the Covid-19 pandemic, it was the healthcare industry that survived the crisis the most. Considering the issue of health has become a priority of society that promotes a healthy lifestyle.

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Health tourism is the key to national and global tourism recovery because it has rearranged the paradigm in building the tourism sector after the pandemic, ” said Sandiaga at the opening of IWTCF 2022 in Solo.

The IWTCF event featured wellness products from eight wellness economy categories.

Among them are healthy eating, nutrition, weight loss, physical activities, wellness tourism, traditional & complementary medicine, public health, prevention and personalized medicine, wellness real estate, and mental health.

Mustika Ratu has Herbamuno + health supplement products. In addition, jamu modern Ready to Drink (RTD) and Jejamu by Mustika Ratu as superior health drinks.

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These products are needed by the community, especially in supporting healthy tourism that is safe and easy to carry anywhere. Products that support the rise of health and wellness tourism in Indonesia.

Jamu modern Ready to Drink (RTD) is a healthy, fresh, and nutritious drink to be innovative herbal medicine with Ultra High Technology (UHT) first in Indonesia.

Jamu RTD has a variant flavor that is sour sugar, sour turmeric, and Kaempferia galanga.

Another innovation is the jejamu drink by Mustika Ratu. Herbal drinks in fresh packaging that can be enjoyed directly by consumers.

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Jejamu comes with variants of lemongrass red ginger, tamarind turmeric, Temulawak Latte, Coco Pandan Latte, and Golden Tumeric Latte.

In addition to its fresh and delicious taste, Jejamu can also increase stamina and maintain a healthy body.

The G-20 delegates are very fond of Jamu Mustika Ratu as an original product based on Indonesian culture and local wisdom.

They are very fond of drinking herbs, in addition to the delicious taste and fresh ingredients are also from natural plants that are healthy and have properties.

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Healthy Tourism and fitness of course can not be separated from fitness services.  In this case Mustika Ratu has Taman Sari Royal Heritage (TSRH) Spa.

In addition to massages, treatments, and pampering services, aroma therapy is used to create a sensation for visitors.

A fragrance with a delicate aroma that calms the mind, relaxes, and refreshes.

TSRH Spa also uses Indonesian herbal plants as basic raw materials for body care inside out. TSRH Spa has herbal drinks as a complement such as drinks ginger, turmeric tamarind, rice, and sugar acid Kencur.

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Tourists can visit TSRH Spa Jakarta located at Jalan Wahid Hasyim, Pasar Baru, Kelapa Gading, Cikajang, Yogyakarta, Bali, Makassar.

In addition to Indonesia, TRSH Spa is also located in Prague (Czech Republic), Whistler (Canada), and Malaysia.

Also the House of Mustika Ratu (HOMR) Jakarta located in Pakubuwono Bona Indah, Green Pramuka Square, Cianjur (West Java) and Pati (Central Java). And, some other potential locations are still under filing.

“PT Mustika Ratu Tbk as a company that conducts business in the field of holistic, beauty, health and wellness businesses supports the rise of health and wellness tourism in Indonesia.

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The potential for Wellness Tourism in Indonesia continues to increase after the Covid-19 pandemic, from the Travel & Tourism Development Index 2021 data, there is an increase of 3.4%, Indonesia is ranked 32nd in the world and ranked 6th in Asia, “said Director of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk, Kusuma Ida Anjani at the session II discussion panel at the IWTCF conference entitled Health and Wellness Business Ecosystem: Post Covid 19 Business Opportunity, in Solo, Friday (5/8/22).

Various series of interesting activities were displayed by Mustika Ratu at the IWTCF event, such as workshops and panel discussions with GP Jamu on the theme of Wellness and Health Tourism, Jejamu Barista Show, Jamu Cooking Show with Chef Rahmat from Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa Hotel and also Puteri Indonesia.

“Through the IWTCF 2022 event, it opens opportunities for Mustika Ratu products to be increasingly favored and used by foreign tourists to support wellness tourism,” said Kusuma Ida Anjani.***

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