Support Gender Equality

Support Gender Equality, 63 Percent Of Employees Are Women

Support Gender Equality – The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (Kemen PPPA) together with Focal Point G20 Empower Indonesia held a meeting called “The Second Senior Leaders Meeting on Women’s Empowerment: a Side Event to G20 Empower” with the theme “Strengthening Women’s Empowerment and Participation in Workplace and Businesses”, which was held by Royal Ambarukmo Hotel Yogyakarta, Wednesday, May 18, 2022.

The meeting presented high-level speakers from around 30 corporate leaders who discussed strengthening the capacity of government advocates to empower and represent the progress and role of women in the business sector and focused on advocacy to improve and strengthen women’s leadership positions in the private sector government.

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A woman’s gait can be seen at PT Mustika Ratu Tbk, which was founded by one of Indonesia’s best women. Grandson of the King of Surakarta Paku Buwono X, she is DR. BRA. Mooryati Soedibyo. She succeeded in bringing the company to be one of the beauty, herbal, and health products companies.

Director of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk, Kusuma Ida Anjani who attended as one of the speakers at the forum said that Mustika Ratu is committed to being at the forefront of implementing the principle of empowering to achieve gender equality in fulfilling their rights and obligations in all aspects of life and strengthening the country’s ability to develop effectively. We believe that women have the same ability to lead and manage organizations.

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“ This is evidenced by the progress of the company, which is managed by about 63% of employees are women. Starting from the level of directors to staff employees. The number of female employees who occupy the manager level in 2021 amounted to 38 people or about 28% in 2022 to 87 people. Around 52%, women’s leadership rose rapidly by 24% within 1 year. Mustika Ratu believes that women have the same ability to lead and manage organizations, ” said Kusuma Anjani.

PT Mustika Ratu Tbk is 1 of 158 companies in Indonesia and 1 of 6542 companies in the world that are members of the women’s Empowerment Principle ( WEPs ). WEPs is a set of principles that offer guidance for promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women in the workplace, marketplace, and community established by the UN Global Compact and UN Women.

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To support this, Mustika Ratu has run a Women Empowerment Program. Women Monitoring Women aims to provide support and guidance that they may not have faced before. Workshop/Training to provide self-development to meet the needs of self-actualization of competence and better quality. Appreciation in the form of a women’s award is a support forum for women to excel in terms of supporting gender equality.

Women with all their patience and creativity can be given training in order to improve their skills. For example, Mustika Ratu provides training to women inmates so that they are able to develop these skills in the community.

Support Gender Equality, 63 Percent Of Employees Are Women

For this reason, it is necessary to strengthen efforts for the company and have a good gender equality perspective. This perspective can have an impact on the preparation of policies in a more comprehensive company. Gender inequality that can hamper the position of women in development in all sectors is expected not to happen again.***

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