G20 Delegation

G20 Delegation Arrived At Solo and Treated Herbal Drink by Mustika Ratu

G20 Delegation – The Solo city Government and the Ministry of Investment / BKPM concurrently with 15 Puteri Indonesia 2022 welcomed the delegates of the Trade Investment and Industry Working Group (TIIWG) group of Twenty or G20 Forum in Solo city on Thursday, July 7, 2022.

The G20 Forum is an important moment for the city of Solo to promote all its potential because herbal medicine is Indonesia’s flagship product. Jamu is the economic potential of a culture-based industry that has become Indonesia’s flagship product.

Head of Communication PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT), Mega Angkasa said, as the pioneer of the most extensive herbal producer in Indonesia, Mustika Ratu is trusted to present herbal medicine at a banquet for the G20 delegation in Solo.

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These herbs include modern ready-to-drink (RTD) which is a healthy, fresh, and nutritious drink, as the first innovative herbal medicine with Ultra High Technology (UHT) in Indonesia with 3 flavor variants, sour sugar, sour turmeric, and Kaempferia galanga L.

Likewise, Jejamu by Mustika Ratu became the attention of the G20 delegation. In addition to fresh and fresh taste, these herbs are processed and blended directly by the barista.

Has a variety of flavors from Sour turmeric, Coco Pandan Latte, Golden Turmeric Latte, Lemongrass Red Ginger, and Temulawak Latte.

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“The G20 delegates are very fond of herbal drinks. In addition to the delicious taste, the ingredients are also from natural plants that are healthy and have properties. This of course will be their first experience to enjoy a drink full of spices typical of Indonesia, “Mega said.

At the opening ceremony were prepared herbs and the delegates were very enthusiastic to drink them.

“They really enjoy drinking herbs, because it tastes good and feels fresh, ” Mega added.

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This G20 Summit Event is very appropriate to introduce Indonesian original products. Guests are very fond of culturally based, original products. Through this event, Indonesia is not only promoting its products. Indonesia introduced herbal medicine as part of the traditional culture and local wisdom that has lasted for generations.

Please note, that jamu Mustika Ratu can also be enjoyed in various countries. Japan is one of them, and Mustika Ratu recently managed to export RTD herbs to the country.

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As the pioneer herbal producer in Indonesia, Mustika Ratu was entrusted to present jamu to the G20 delegates in Solo.

These herbs include Modern ready Drink (RTD) herbs, which are healthy, fresh, and nutritious drinks. Innovative herbal medicine with Ultra High Technology (UHT) first in Indonesia with 3 variants of taste, sour sugar, sour turmeric, and Kaempferia galanga L.

Likewise, Jejamu by Mustika Ratu became the attention of the G20 delegation. Has a variant of sour turmeric flavor, Coco Pandan Latte, Golden Turmeric Latte, lemongrass Red Ginger and Temulawak Latte. Jejamu adds to the desire to enjoy at the same time introducing the renewal of herbal medicine that becomes more modern and contemporary.***


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