Mustika Ratu Hadirkan Puteri Indonesia

PT Mustika Ratu Presents Puteri Indonesia Processing Herb Into Cake and Healthy Drink

PT Mustika Ratu Tbk is participating in at an international event called International Wellness Tourism Conference & Festival (IWTCF) – G20 on 5-7 August 2022 in Solo, Jawa Tengah.

IWTCF is a wellness tourism event held by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. This event combines three concepts, namely Conference, Workshop, and Exhibition which present more than 30 speakers.

The speakers came from G20 member countries, ASEAN, including Indonesia. Mustika Ratu presented a variety of interesting events in support of the IWTCF 2022 event.

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Featuring a series of activities in the form of exhibitions, workshops, panel discussions, the Jejamu Barista Show, and the Jamu Cooking Show.

On the second day of the IWTCF series of events, Mustika Ratu together with the herbal Entrepreneurs Association (GP Jamu) held a panel discussion. With the theme of Wellness and Health Tourism presenting experts such as Thomas Hartono, Arief Eka Wardana, Kusuma Ida Anjani, Edward Basilianus, Victor s Ringoringo, and Greesty F Swandany.

The event then continued with Jamu Cooking Show which is making cakes and healthy drinks using ingredients from jamu RTD Mustika Ratu.

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Together with Chef Rahmat from Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa Hotel and Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan 2022, Cindy May McGuire and Puteri Indonesia Persahabatan 2022, Catherine Widya Putri Stumer.

President Director of Pt Mustika Ratu Tbk, Bingar Egidius Situmorang in his speech at the IWTCF-G20 said many recipes of drinks and traditional healthy foods that come from Solo.

It includes healthy drink recipes derived from the cultural heritage of the Palace of Surakarta.

The selection of Solo as the host of the 2022 International Wellness Tourism Conference and Festival is suitable as a launching place in accordance with the city’s tagline, namely “Solo Wellness City, City of Java Wellness.

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“A daughter of Surakarta palace descent who is also the founder of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk, DR. BRA.Mooryati managed to dig up and process Indonesian plants into herbal medicine and cosmetics.

All of them he wrote in the book Nature Health Resources are widely used for research.

Since 1975, Mrs. DR. BRA. Mooryati Soedibyo already uses and utilizes typical Indonesian plants in dispensing herbal medicine for treatment, disease prevention, beauty treatments, and body fitness,” said Bingar Egidius.

As technology advances and innovation, Mustika Ratu packs medicinal plants into ready to Drink (RTD) herbal drinks. Packaged in a modern and practical, healthy, fresh, nutritious, and halal. It has variants of sour sugar, sour turmeric, and Kaempferia galanga Rice.

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Herbal is processed with Ultra High Technology (UHT) which makes it the first herbal drink in Indonesia produced through modern technology. Able to produce herbs that are safe for consumption by children to adults.

Another innovation is the jejamu drink by Mustika Ratu. A herbal drink in fresh packaging that can be enjoyed directly by consumers.

Jejamu comes with lemongrass red ginger, tamarind turmeric, Temulawak Latte, Coco Pandan Latte, and Golden Tumeric Latte.

In addition to its fresh and delicious taste, Jejamu can also increase stamina and maintain a healthy body.

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“Mustika Ratu also developed the concept of Jamunomics, which is the concept of developing modern herbal medicine end to end from upstream to downstream that can provide benefits from all aspects.

In this concept, PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk takes products directly from local farmers to contribute to farmers’ welfare and reduce imports of raw materials.

In addition to the farmers, PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk also involves micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). For example, a drink shop that specializes in herbal medicine will continue to be accommodated by Mustika Ratu. We do this so that the herbal industry and all drivers in it can continue to grow,” said Bingar Egidius.

PT Mustika Ratu Tbk Participating in International Event

Through the optimization of fitness tourism, Mustika Ratu products can be top of mind for domestic and foreign tourists.

Wellness tourism is the key to the recovery of tourism and the creative economy which is projected to be the driver of the global economy.***

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