Trade Expo Indonesia

Trade Expo Indonesia, Mustika Ratu Wins US$ 2 Million Trade Contract

Trade Expo Indonesia – The 37th International Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) exhibition took place at ICE BSD City, Tangerang, October 20-22, 2022.

The 37th Trade Expo Indonesia themed “Strengthening Global Trade for Stronger Recovery,” held a number of exhibition support activities such as the signing of a memorandum of trade cooperation between countries.

”We are proud of TEI 2022. The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the 795 booths filled with 2288 registered buyers from 176 countries participating throughout the implementation of the Trade Expo Indonesia,” said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan in his speech.

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In the midst of a sluggish economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic and inflation that hit countries around the world, MRAT recorded a brilliant achievement with its success in exporting products abroad.

PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT) successfully entered new markets and signed trade contracts with buyer partners from five countries. Namely Saudi Arabia, UAE, Australia, Japan, and the United States worth 2 million US dollars.

Signing by the President Director of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk, Mr. Bingar Egidius Situmorang together with representatives of buyer partners from Australia.

Also witnessed the Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan, representatives of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, Director of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk, Kusuma Ida Anjani and Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan 2022, Cindy May Mc Guire at the main stage, Trade Expo Indonesia 2022, Saturday (22/10/2022).

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MRAT’s success in penetrating the Japanese market in July had a positive impact on consumers in other countries.

Japan, which is known to be very strict in implementing import policies, is able to accept Mustika Ratu products to be marketed there.

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Bingar Egidius Situmorang said the success of product exports to Japan has become an opening for other export destination countries.

This year Mustika Ratu is able to add new export destination countries for herbal and personal care products.

This shows that products based on local and natural Indonesian wisdom produced by MRAT can be accepted by the international community.

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“Throughout January to August 2022, MRAT received many export cooperation offers. Products that are in great demand include personal care and herb supplement categories.

In addition to new destination countries, there are existing export destination countries that do re-dealing. One of which is Nigeria for herbal supplement products.

Jamu supplement Mustika Ratu itself is in demand by consumers in Nigeria, especially herbal medicine for women’s Health,” said Bingar.

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From January to August 2022, MRAT received export requests. Saudi Arabia, Japan, the USA, UAE, Australia, Singapore, and South Korea already submit their export demand.

RTD herbal medicine enthusiasts include Japan, Australia, and the USA. While the country’s personal care products enthusiasts are in South Korea, Singapore, and the UAE.

Mustika Ratu is already present in Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, Africa, and South America and has a branch in Malaysia.

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For the Middle East market, Mustika Ratu is already present in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq, Libya, Bahrain, and the UAE.

From 2021 to October 2022, the number of export countries increased by 61%. From 21 countries to 34 countries, or an increase of 13 countries in that period.

Currently, approximately 200 SKU products have been exported to foreign countries with contributions in the category:

Personal Care 65 %
Cosmetics 0.5 %
Herb Supplements 23 %
Beverage 12 %

The company founded by Mrs. Hj. DR. BRA Mooryati Soedibyo, 47 years ago is worthy of appreciation for its contribution to international world trade as a real effort to support the glory of Indonesian exports.***

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