Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival

Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) 2022, Mustika Ratu’s Support For The Development Of Sharia Economy

Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival, Jakarta – PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT) also supported the 2022 Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) event. It was held at the Cendrawasih Room Jakarta Convention Center on October 5-9, 2022.

The event was officially opened by the Vice President of Indonesia KH Ma’ruf Amin. It has been attended by various companies across sectors supporting the Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival.

Mustika Ratu is a pioneer and a significant player in the halal industry in Indonesia. Its businesses in the field of holistic, beauty, health, and wellness are actively involved in the Sharia financial product ecosystem.

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Mustika Ratu supports ISEF 2022 as a strategic step in accelerating the implementation of the Global Halal Hub.

In line with the Sharia Economic Masterplan 2019-2024: a strategy to realize Indonesia as a World producer of Halal products launched by the government.

Mustika Ratu is here to bring the spirit of struggle and commitment together in an effort to strengthen the acceleration of Islamic economics and finance.

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To promote national economic recovery as a new source of inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Indonesia. Be part of the transformation of the Indonesian economy towards a developed Indonesia and the center of the global sharia economy.

The Islamic Economic and Financial Festival was held on October 5-9. It was held to encourage Islamic economics and finance as the mainstream of national and international policy. Making Indonesia a world reference in the development of Islamic economics and finance.***

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