herb from Mustika Ratu

Mustika Ratu Herbs Become Delegation Drink At G20 Summit in Yogyakarta

Herb from Mustika Ratu-Indonesia who this year was elected as the presidency of the G20 Annual Summit Presidency with the theme “Recover Together, Recover Stronger.”

In addition to Jakarta and Bali, Yogyakarta is one of the provinces visited by Finance Ministers from countries as well as Central Bank Governors who are members of the G20 Forum. The G20 Forum itself consists of 19 countries and 1 EU institution.

Located at Sheraton Mustika Hotel Yogyakarta as an official hotel during the G20 Summit activities, especially the Energy Track Meeting on March 24-25, 2022.

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The G20 summit is a valuable moment for Indonesia to promote herb as a competitive superior product typical of Indonesia. Herbs became the economic potential of culture-based industries presented to the G20 delegation.

As stated by the director of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk Kusuma Ida Anjani (MRAT) as the pioneer of the largest herb producer in Indonesia, MRAT is trusted to present herb as a delegation drink for the G20 in Yogyakarta.

Herbal medicine modern ready to Drink (RTD) is a healthy drink, fresh and nutritious as an innovative herbal medicine. It become Ultra High Technology (UHT) herb packaging in Indonesia with 3 variants of flavors. Those flavor namely Sour Sugar, Saffron-colored Rice (Beras Kencur) and Sour Turmeric.

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Jejamu by Mustika Ratu was also the attention of the G20 delegation. This herb is formulated and processed by herb barista with various variants therefore it fresh for consumer. Taste Sour Turmeric, Coco Pandan Latte, Golden Turmeric Latte, Red Ginger Lemongrass and Temulawak Latte.

This flavor will introduce the tranformation on herbs becoming modern and contemporary.

“The G20 delegates are very fond of herbal drinks. Most importantly is delicious taste, the ingredients are also from natural plants because it is healthy and have properties. It will be their first experience enjoying a drink laden with typical Indonesia’s spices, “ said Head of Spa & Wellness PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT), Dian V Soeryomurti.

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The event of the G20 summit is the right place to introduce Indonesia’s original products. Meanwhile guests really liked the original, culturally based products.

Most importantly, Indonesia also introduced herbal medicine as part of the traditional culture and local wisdom of the nation. Mustika Ratu’s product has been trusted in international market not only in Indonesia but also abroad.

During event, modern herb RTD and Jejamu by Mustika Ratu were present and attracted foreign attention. First MotoGP racing event in Mandalika and second on at Dubai Expo in Dubai, United Arab Emirates are the latest events.

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