celebrate kartini day

Celebrate Kartini Day, Mustika Ratu Embraces Sarinah To Hold A Number Of Activities

Celebrate Kartini Day – Coinciding with Kartini Day, PT Mustika Ratu Tbk in collaboration with PT Sarinah held a series of activities to celebrate Kartini Day with the theme “Women with a myriad of activities” located on the 2nd floor of the Sarinah building on Thursday, April 21, 2022.

A series of activities were held including Beauty Class, Beauty Talkshow, and creative Open together. In the Beauty Talk Show featuring the speakers of Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan 2017 and Miss International 2017, Kevin Liliana.

Reporting from beritasatu.com, in addition to the above event, also did not miss the beauty Class session with Professional Makeup Artist Mustika Ratu themed “Healthy Glowing Make up for Eid” by using beauty Queen which is a brand of makeup Mustika Ratu.

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According to CMO Mustika Ratu Reza Dien Novita, Beauty Queen has a myriad of benefits and uses that have been trusted to beautify the Princesses of Indonesia and also the Queen of the world who come to Indonesia.

In addition, Beauty Queen products are made from natural ingredients, are halal, and are safe to use. This Cosmetic is made from natural ingredients and contains antioxidants so that users can look beautiful with healthy skin, as well as other natural ingredients, such as moringa seed extract which contains high antioxidants.

The content of vitamin E is also effective in warding off free radicals, increasing collagen production to reduce fine wrinkles, and helping care for the youthfulness of the skin on the face.

“Beauty Queen can be used in everyday events and party events,” said Dien at the Sarinah building, Jakarta, on Thursday (21/4/2022).

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For women who want to look beautiful every day, Mustika Ratu gives beautiful tips given by MUA Mustika Ratu. Beauty Class provides knowledge and lessons directly using beauty Queen products to look beautiful and confident in applying her own makeup.

“At this event Mustika Ratu carries the theme” Healthy Glowing Make up for Eid”, which will give participants the idea of makeup at Eid al-Fitr 1442 H, ” he concluded.

In addition to the beauty Class and Beauty Talkshow, PT Mustika Ratu Tbk and PT Sarinah present the iftar menu creation event. Using jamu ready to drink Mustika Ratu which consists of 3 variants of flavors, namely sour sugar, sour turmeric, and Kaempferia galanga L which is one of the raw materials.***

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