Jokowi Received 45 finalists

Jokowi Received 45 Finalists of Puteri Indonesia’s at Istana Bogor

Jokowi Received 45 Finalists – The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo welcomed the 45 finalists of Puteri Indonesia 2022 than 34 provinces and the Top 3 Puteri Indonesia 2020, Ayuma Maulida Putri, Ayusaraswati, and Jihane Almira at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, on Wednesday, 23 February 2022.

The chairman of the Advisory Board of Yayasan Puteri Indonesia, Putri Kus Wisnuwardhani explained that the 45 finalists of the 34 provinces are a Princess was selected from the many generations of young owned by the nation.

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With the background of the status of undergraduate education, Masters and even Doctoral candidates with a diverse range of professions such as doctors, architects, businessman, model, media consultant and the other is the profile of the profession of the Puteri.

“ They are examples of Indonesian women who were able to carve your achievements, think ahead and dare to compete, while still upholding a culture as an asset of the nation,” said Putri.

In the meeting, the President, among others, explains, the transformation is done by the government, such as economic equality through the capital city of new high technology, green concept and smart city, Green Energy, the Increase in the Export of Finished Products, Increase the Quality of Health and Education in the Country, the Economic Recovery in Times of a Pandemic and the Construction of the Capital City of Negara (IKN) Archipelago that will be done by the government.

Jokowi Received 45 Finalist of Puteri Indonesia’s at Istana Bogor

Rr. Ayu Maulida Putri, Puteri Indonesia 2020 origin East Java, for example, said that the construction of the IKN make him feel proud and happy.

According to her, the construction of the IKN can be a measure of Indonesia being called a developed country and not just a developing country.

“There is one of the benchmarks is also how we are Indonesia’s trying to do equity to the public, not just focused in Java course, as always thank you.

That’s where I also believe Indonesia will increasingly thrive, the entire community is also more advanced, get motivated, and also the inspiration to do the best of their identity to give it to Indonesia,” he said.

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Puteri Indonesia Environment 2020, Putu Ayu Saraswati from Bali, hoping that the construction of the IKN Archipelago could have an impact on economic equality and development for the people from Sabang to Merauke.

In addition, IKN Archipelago is expected to be a symbol of social justice for the people of Indonesia.

“Hope can be a city, a role model for the construction and also the survival of cities that already exist in Indonesia. So be a city, a role model,” she added.

Saira Saima, as Puteri Indonesia DKI Jakarta 2 the year 2022 said that she was proud of the performance of the nation’s children who produces a design in the capital city of the following outstanding layout of the city that better.

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“There it turns out that 70 percent is still dominated by forest and green. We don’t need to worry if the green area is reduced because it turns out that our government had already prepared a rehabilitation,” said Saira.

45 finalists of Puteri Indonesia will compete at the Selection of Puteri Indonesia national level and planned the President Jokowi will be present and witness on the eve of the summit the Grand Final of the Princess 2022, which was held in May 2022.***

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