global halal hub

Global Halal Hub: MRAT Going to Be a Global Supplier

Jakarta – The Global Halal Hub, the event was initiated by the Association of Digital Platforms Export (PDEkspor) and the National Committee of Islamic Finance and the Economy (KNEKS) officially launched by the Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin in Tangerang, Thursday 27/1/2022.

In his speech, Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin appreciate the collaboration that was built in the ecosystem of the Global Halal Hub.

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“As the most important pillars in the Indonesian economy, the contribution of SMEs to GDP of 60% Rp 9.580 trillion. The government supports SMEs in an effort to harness the potential of digital Indonesia is very large.

The digital economy in Indonesia is predicted to be the largest in Southeast Asia in 2025, with a value of Rp. 1,700 trillion.” said the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia KH. Ma’ruf Amin.

The Finance Director of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT), Jodi Andrea Suryokusumo who attended the inauguration of the Global Halal Hub, said that as a pioneer and major player in the halal industry in Indonesia with the spirit of collaboration is ready to provide training and mentoring for SMEs in the ecosystem.

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“The collaboration of a positive association between Global Halal Hub with PT Mustika Ratu Tbk will be a strategic step in order to accelerate the implementation to align with the master plan for Islamic Economics 2019-2024: Strategies to make Indonesia as a Manufacturer of Halal Products the World announced by the Government,“ said Jodi.

“As a company that has been doing exports to 29 countries, participation MRAT in the Global Halal Hub to be an award given for the existence of MRAT in the ecosystem of the halal industry in Indonesia, “ said Jodi.

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The launch of a digital platform export makes it the opportunity to expand the market share of halal products MRAT abroad, especially in countries that have yet to be the purpose of export.

On the other hand, the launch of a digital platform export can strengthen the existence of the product in countries that have become the purpose of the export of halal products MRAT in the world.

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