
JAMUNOMICS : Mustika Ratu Business Concepts Make Jamu As A Lifestyle

Jamunomics is the concept of developing end-to-end modern jamu from upstream to downstream which can provide benefits from all aspects. In this concept, PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk takes products directly from local farmers in order to contribute to the welfare of farmers and reduce imports of raw materials. For your information, Indonesia is ranked second in the world for plant diversity by having 40,000 species in which there are 30,000 plants that have special medicinal properties.

In addition to the farmers, PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk also involves micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). For example, the latest trend of taverns that specialize in providing herb menus will continue to be accommodated by Mustika Ratu so that the herb industry players and all the drivers in it can continue to grow.

Read Also : Healthy Living With Jejamu by Mustika Ratu

Jejamu is an innovation of herbal drink in ready-to-drink bottles combined with a variety of modern flavors. To provide various and maximum benefits for the body, there are five variants of Jamu, namely Golden Turmeric (Protect Your Health), Temulawak (Keep Your Heart), Coco Pandan (Help Your Spirit), Lemongrass Red Ginger (Free Your Virus), and Turmeric Acid (Anti Stress).

Since it was officially launched in January 2020 which coincides with the birthday of the master of Jamu, Bu Mooryati Soedibyo, Jejamu By Mustika Ratu has continued to grow and is now the pride and lifestyle of millennials. Jejamu can be enjoyed by all ages but PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk has a vision to attract the younger generation to try fusion herbal and traditional herbal medicine menus. Through the Jamunomics movement, PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk wants to make jamu a lifestyle with the theme Be healthy, Stay healthy.

Mrs. Kusuma Ida Anjani as Director of Business Development & Innovation of PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk said that the market for the jamu industry is still quite large and has potential. This is because Indonesia is known for its variety of herbal plants that are nutritious for the body. With the development of online platforms and marketplaces that help business actors enter online marketing, the herbal medicine industry can develop a wider market reach.

In order to expand marketing reach and facilitate access to Jejamu product purchases, PT. Mustika Ratu, Tbk cooperates with the digital payment platform DANA. With this collaboration, DANA users can pay for jamu purchases at all Jejamu by Mustika Ratu outlets located in Ciracas, East Jakarta, Alun-Alun Indonesia Kreasi Grand Indonesia, and Mustika Ratu Center Pancoran.

You can also get Jejamu by Mustika Ratu products through the GrabFood, GoFood, and Shopee applications.

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