Press Release – Jejamu by Mustika Ratu Presents the Latest Hangout Place in Alun Alun Indonesia

JakartaJamu has become an excellent product since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The efficacy of jamu is believed to maintain stamina and increase body immunity so that the body is not susceptible to coronavirus. Today jamu is starting to become a lifestyle among the young generation.

Jejamu by Mustika Ratu as jamu for the millennials, in collaboration with Alun Alun Indonesia, conducted Soft Launching of Pop Up Bar Jejamu located at Grand Indonesia West Mall Level 3 on Saturday, July 25, 2020. Later, Pop Up Bar Jejamu will conduct a Grand Launching at the end of August 2020 and will be followed by several other malls in major cities in Indonesia.

Director of Business Development & Innovation of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk, Kusuma Anjani explained, “Through our innovation and exciting breakthroughs with Alun Alun Indonesia, we present the Pop Up Bar Jejamu by Mustika Ratu, a healthy, chic, and cool hangout place by drinking jamu in the mall in the center of the capital city. Indeed, jejamu can be enjoyed by all ages, but our vision is to attract the young generation to try fusion and traditional jamu menus. Through the Jamuvement, we intend to make jamu become a lifestyle with a theme of Be healthy, Stay healthy.”

CEO of Alun Alun Indonesia, Pinky Sudarman, explained that this cooperation was established since jamu is a natural and cultural wealth of the Indonesian people that must be preserved.

“In line with the vision and mission of Alun Alun Indonesia in providing local products, Jejamu by Mustika Ratu is expected to be a movement capable of encouraging the young generation nowadays to take greater pleasure in jamu. And Mustika Ratu has a strong determination to develop original Indonesian jamu with a modern taste and can be accepted by all levels of society.”

The Soft Launching of Pop Up Bar Jejamu in Alun Alun Indonesia was also attended by a guest star of Puteri Indonesia 2020, Rr. Ayu Maulida Putri, as a millennial representative of jamu lovers. She showed directly how to process jamu into delicious drinks and obviously fit for young people’s tastes.

“I drink jamu regularly since starting a career as a model. Busy activities and high mobility require me to maintain mu body endurance, so I regularly drink red ginger. Especially now after becoming Puteri Indonesia, I enjoy Jejamu by Mustika Ratu more often. In addition to its delicious taste, it is also healthy. I have also participated a few times with Jamu Barista to process Jejami into a delicious and modern drink,” explained Ayuma when attending the Soft Launching of Pop Up Bar Jejamu.

Jejamu by Mustika Ratu has 5 flavor variants including:

1. Kunir Asam, the combination of turmeric and tamarind, besides being much-favored because it tastes good, kunir asam is also rich in benefits. Its efficacy minimizes the risk of cell damage due to cancer, increase endurance, relieve menstrual pain.

2. Coco Pandan Latte, this drink is not only refreshing but also healthy for the body, rich in substances that can improve and maintain stamina naturally. This drink has the same benefits as regular coffee that does not make you sleepy. The taste combination between pandanus and coconut provides a very unique and delicious taste.

3. Temulawak Latte, curcuma rhizome contains curcuminoids, essential oils, starches, proteins, fats, cellulose, and minerals. Curcuma comprises anti-inflammatory compounds that can inhibit the production of prostaglandin E2 which triggers inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory properties, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungus help resolve digestive problems and help maintain the healthy function of the liver.

4. Golden Turmeric Latte, this drink is popular abroad. Golden Milk is made of turmeric which contains antioxidants and anti-bacteria. The content of essential oils from turmeric can prevent gastric acid and cure liver disease, and bile ducts. Its efficacies are relieving joint pain, warming the body, giving energy, relieving sore, containing anti-oxidants, and anti-bacterial.

5. Jahe Merah Sereh, red ginger, and lemongrass contain effective substances for boosting the immune system and reducing nausea. Red Ginger is derived from Indonesia’s best natural ingredients, which have more antioxidants than ordinary ginger. Its benefits are warming the body, preventing colds, and increasing the immune system.

Each variant of Jejamu is available in regular packaging of IDR 29,000 and large packaging of IDR 39,000.

It’s easy to enjoy Jejamu by Mustika Ratu. Besides coming to the Pop Up Bar Jejamu, reservations can also be made via Whatsapp or Grabfood. Then, fresh jamu will be mixed directly by Jamu Barista of Mustika Ratu. Until today, Jejamu has been available in DKI Jakarta, Bekasi, and Depok.



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