
Herbal Drink Culture and Local Wisdom

Herbal Drink – Herbal drink was one of the local wisdom in Indonesian culture. Herbal drink culture is rooted in community medicinal planting habits and used for people’s medicinal treatment since a long time ago.

Most women in a village don’t have a willingness to go to the doctor to check their pregnancy. They have a traditional way which is run down through generations, one of them by drinking turmeric acid herb which is believed can fertilized content.

The village people habit of planting a medicinal plant in their yard that is commonly known as TOGA (Taman Obat Keluarga/Family Medicinal Park) as we know it today. The medicinal planting habit that makes herbs identically as agrarian community culture.

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Drinking herbal is a healthy lifestyle heritage culture based on local wisdom. If it used to be encountered in village people, nowadays this herbal drink culture is encountered in many urban communities. In big cities such as Jakarta, Tangerang, Solo, and Yogyakarta already found various modern herbal outlets.

This number of modern herb outlet’s phenomena signaling the growing interest of business owners make herbs a high-value modern commodity. The challenge is to make people confident and socialize the awareness of herbal drinks as a healthy lifestyle. Government support in the herbal industry also participates in creating a good herb industry ecosystem.

Drinking herbal patterns in urban communities are also influenced by social conditions. A dynamically growing social condition nowadays demands a change in lifestyle. Herbal product as a product representation in healthy lifestyle surely must be doing development and innovation in the present day.

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The innovative herbal product can bring up a trend and new lifestyle. In addition, open the opportunity to grab new market especially from the millennial generation.

The millennial generation is a generation that was born between 1980 to 1995. The herbal medicine industry should recognize and understand their behavioral pattern and consumption so it can create suitable herbal products.

One of modern herbal outlet targeting milenial is Jejamu outlet by Mustika Ratu. Jejamu is herbal drink innovation in a ready-to-drink bottle package that has a variety of flavors.

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In order to give the efficacy of diversity and maximum for the body, there are five variants of herbal medicine are Golden Turmeric, Curcuma zanthorrhiza, Coco Pandan, Zingiber officinale varietas rubrum, and Tamarindus Indica.

Since its launch in January 2020 to coincide with the birthday of Mrs. Mooryati Soedibyo, Jejamu by Mustika Ratu keep growing and nowadays become pride as well as millennial lifestyle. With a movement named Jamunomics, PT Mustika Ratu Tbk wants to create and make a cup of herbal medicine as a new lifestyle. You can buy Jejamu through Jejamu outlet at Ciracas East Jakarta, Alun-alun Indonesia Kreasi Grand Indonesia, Mustika Ratu Center Pancoran and the new one is Jejamu outlet in Pos Bloc Indonesia located in Gambir, Centre Jakarta.

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