
Zingiberis Officinalis Rhizoma: The Little Rich With Benefits

Indonesia is very rich with resources of flora. Of a number of species of spices and medicinal plants, some of which are already used as traditional medicine by various companies or plant herbs. In Indonesian society, the utilization of traditional medicine in the treatment system has been entrenched and continues to increase. One of the plants’ herbs and medicines that exist in Indonesia is ginger.

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Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc) was originally derived from the Asia Pacific region, which later spread from India to China. Ginger contains many active ingredients one of which is phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds in ginger are mostly composed of gingerol, shogaol. Gingerol is also referred to as the most important component in ginger because of the active ingredient that can be used as a drug. Based on the shape, color, and aroma of the rhizome as well as its chemical composition, in Indonesia, there are 3 types of ginger, such as ginger big white, ginger, and red ginger.

Zingiberis Officinalis Rhizoma: The Little Rich With Benefits

a powerful wayIn addition, the rhizome of ginger also has a pungent smell and the taste is very spicy due to the content of the oleoresin is very high. In addition to as a spice in the kitchen, ginger rhizome can also be used as an anti-emetic or prevent nausea on the conditions of travel sickness (motion sickness) due to the presence of gingerol and shogaol. In the field of medicine, ginger is efficacious for treating various kinds of diseases such as diarrhea, colds, intestinal worms, treat gout, treat wounds, anemia, bronchitis, asthma, diseases of the heart, improve digestion, and stimulation orgasm (Tropical Plant Curriculum Project Team, 2012).

Society is becoming concerned with health problems

The widespread outbreak of Covid-19 makes a lot of people start to pay attention to his health is good again. The need for health supplements became more vivid. Society is becoming more concerned with how they handle their health problems. The ginger contains anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) as well as gastoprotector which when combined with other herbs can function optimally.

Sourced from the knowledge and experience of Hj. DR. BRA. Mooryati Soedibyo, S.S., M. Hum in making the recipe of traditional herbal recognized both locally and internationally. PT. Mustika Ratu Tbk is committed to the principles of Holistic Care Philosophy which can be obtained if care is balanced with the concept of body, mind, and spirit (body, mind, and soul).

Zingiberis Officinalis Rhizoma in the Herbamuno+

The widespread circulation of foreign products with high prices and a wide range of illegal products, then the PT. Mustika Ratu Tbk as a company that consistently raises the potential of local wisdom of Indonesia is committed to creating innovative products Indonesia’s Natural Herbal Medicine, Herbamuno+ to meet the health needs of the community through a mix of science, technology & nature in producing practical products consumption, safe, quality and useful.

Herbamuno+ as the herbal product made by Mustika Ratu contains extracts of Zingiberis Officinalis Rhizoma in every grain of caplet. Combined with other herbs such as Andrographis paniculatae, Phyllanthi niruri Herba, licorice and cashew leaf in Herbamuno+. But you should discuss it in advance with your doctor before you consume it. Now it’s easier to get Herbamuno+ in the nearest store from your home without the need to queue could even use your smartphone to shop online, such as through Tokopedia, Shopee, Lazada, GrabHealth, HaloDoc, Zalora, Blibli, Bukalapak, JD.ID.

Herbamuno+ Jaga Imun Tubuh Tetap Prima




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