Press Release – Mustika Ratu (MRAT) supports the First Annual Scientific Meeting Indonesian Herbal Medicine Discipline Association (PDHMI)

Jakarta – The First Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT I 2021) was held by the Indonesian Herbal Medicine Discipline Association (PDHMI) with the theme “Harmonic Orchestration of Herbal Medicine in Indonesia” which was held online / virtual in two sessions, on Saturday-Sunday 20-21 March 21 and 27-28 March 2021.

The First Annual Scientific Meeting was attended by resource persons from various expert fields such as from the Ministry of Health, the Indonesian Doctors Association, the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI) and the Indonesian Medical Education Association (AIPKI) who provided support for the development of medicinal herbs in Indonesia. Surely the support from PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT) as a company that engaged in the field of Beauty, Herbal Medicine and Health which is sourced from natural Indonesian ingredients, is significantly important in the implementation of this meeting.

The Indonesian Ministry of Health issued regulation with number of HK.02.-02 / IV.2243 / 2020 concerning the use of traditional medicines for health care, disease prevention and health care. The regulation is addressed to governors, regents, and mayors throughout Indonesia. In essence, the Ministry of Health advises the public to take advantage of traditional medicines in the form of herbs, standardized herbal medicines, and Phyto-pharmacy. The use of these traditional medicines is an effort to maintain health, prevent disease and health care, including during public health emergencies or the Covid-19 national disaster. Phyto-pharmacy is a medicine made from natural ingredients whose safety and efficacy have been scientifically proven by pre-clinical and clinical trials. (source: Indonesian Information Portal).

Mustika Ratu and PDHMI strive to make domestic products proud and become the national identities as local Indonesian brands. People believe that what is contained in local nature has properties that are certainly beneficial for human health.

The Director of Business Development & Innovation of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT), Kusuma Ida Anjani, explained that Mustika Ratu has succeeded in creating an innovative health product in the form of herbal supplements, namely Herbamuno+. Mustika Ratu is also currently preparing clinical trials for the Herbamuno+ product as an herbal medicine to maintain the body’s immunities.

Herbamuno+ is a complete formulation of herbal supplements containing 5 active herbs to create a Healthy Indonesian Strong Immune. The Herbamuno+ product is a simple and practical product, packaged in strips consisting of 4 caplets, where each caplet contains many beneficial herbal plants, such as Small Ginger as an immunomodulator, overcoming nausea and vomiting and a gastroprotector, Green Chireta functions as an Anti-inflammatory, Anti-virus, anti- Analgesic, Antipyretic. Licorice is useful as anti-inflammatory / anti-pain, relieves cough (expectorant) and shortness of breath, Gale of the wind is useful as an immunomodulator and hepatoprotector and Cashew new left are useful as anti-pain, relieves diarrhea and bronchodilator.

In a seminar session on “The role of Indonesian herbs in maintaining body immunity” which was guided by dr. Fenny Yunita, M.Sc., Ph.D. Sunday, (21/03/21). Mustika Ratu presented Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan 2020, Putu Ayu Saraswati, usually called Ayusa.

As Puteri Indonesia, Ayusa conveyed the importance of maintaining health through exercise activities, healthy food, adequate sleep and maintaining body immunity with safe herbal supplements.

“I always take care of my health by consuming herbal supplements that have proven efficacy, taking Herbamuno+ herbal supplements to maintain body immunity every day 2 caplets in the morning and at night are the right solution for myself to be able to do activities without worrying,” said Putu Ayu Saraswati.

Support for herbal supplements also comes from the Neurologist and the founder of PDHMI, dr. Hardhi Pranata, Sp.S., MARS, who said that “We will support Herbamuno+ through research so that it can be accepted as phytopharmaca so that it will increase the number of Indonesian herbal products that will provide broad benefits to the entire community.”

Herbamuno+ is included in 14 herbal medicines that are currently receiving BPOM research assistance as an adjuvant for the treatment of Covid-19. Herbamuno+ is one hundred percent natural and safe for consumption every day and is Halal certified by the Indonesian Ulema Council.

Mustika Ratu has also succeeded in supporting the advancement of Indonesian herbs, one of Mustika Ratu’s herbal products, namely Slimming Tea, has become a Standardized Herbal Medicine (OHT).

Slimming Tea is one of the ingredients since decades ago from the Jamu Master, Dr.BRA Mooryati Soedibyo, which has been proven in clinical trials through research by experts at Tokyo MD University to destroy and dissolve fat in 28 days for women, men, and adolescents. Slimming Tea Mustika Ratu is one of the most recommended green tea products for maintaining ideal body weight.

With the support and cooperation of various parties, Herbamuno+ can immediately follow other Mustika Ratu products such as Slimming Tea which has become Standardized Herbal Medicine.

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