Press Release – Maintain Immune, Happy Holidays with Herbamuno+ & Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta, PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT), a well-known company in the beauty and health sector, collaborates with Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta to promote healthy and safe tourism to Yogyakarta. The two companies have taken the initiative to promote healthy tourism, where tourists can enjoy a comfortable and safe holiday while still paying attention to their physical and mental health and still enjoying the beauty of Yogyakarta and Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta.

As part of this healthy tourism promotion, every guest who stays at the Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta, especially in March and April will be given Herbamuno+ herbal supplements from Mustika Ratu which are useful to increase endurance. Herbamuno+ is made from 100% natural ingredients, it is safe and lawful for daily consumption for all ages. Only by paying approximately IDR 850,000++ per night to stay at our resort, you will get the experience of staying in a Deluxe Room, receive Herbamuno+ herbal supplements at breakfast and even get a free second night’s stay. This promotional program is called “2nd Night on Us”.

In this collaboration, Mustika Ratu and Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta held a Press Conference on Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021 and presented a guest star, Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan 2020 / Miss International 2020, Putu Ayu Saraswati who is also a doctor. During this event, Ayusa explain the importance of a healthy life and physical, mental, and mental balance and how important it is for someone to always take time to rest with family, friends, and vacation for relaxation.

“I always maintain my health by maintaining my immune system with a good rest, nutritious food, exercise and drinking 2 caplets of Herbamuno+ every day in the morning and evening. During extreme weather and the Covid 19 pandemic, herbamuno+ is the right solution for me to be able to do activities without any worry. ” Ayusa said.

“Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta always prioritizes the safety and health of every guest who stays with us. In addition to implementing strict health protocols, we also believe that giving Herbamuno+ herbal supplements to all guests staying with Sheraton shows  that we also care about the guests’ health and that they do not need to be afraid to have a vacation in Yogyakarta,” said Harry Suryadharma, as the General Manager of Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta.

“Our resort has 5.4 hectares of green gardens with beautiful views of Mount Merapi and consists of 246 rooms all equipped with balconies allowing fresh air to enter the rooms. Our goal is to provide a memorable stay experience at our resort where guests no need to have doubts about their comfort, cleanliness and health.”

Meanwhile, Head of Business Development of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT), Astrid Warganegara said that “Mustika Ratu created an innovative health product, Herbamuno+ herbal supplement, where the product is the result of a combination of science, technology and natural ingredients. Mustika Ratu always believes that what is contained in Indonesian nature has certain properties which are certainly useful for society.

The basic ingredients of Herbamuno+ as natural immunomodulators, which three of its main ingredients are believed to have efficacy to increase endurance as suggested by the BPOM, and it turns out that all the natural ingredients contained in it have become a recipe for the family’s legacy of Mrs. Mooryati Soedibyo, written in the book “Alam Sumber Kesehatan released in 1998,” said Astrid.

Herbamuno+ natural immunomodulator is a complete formulation of herbal supplements containing 5 active herbs to create a Healthy Indonesian Strong Immune. The Herbamuno+ product is a simple and practical product, packaged in strips consisting of 4 caplets, where each caplet contains herbal plants which have many benefits, including:

  • Jahe emprit: An immunomodulator, potential to treat nausea and vomiting, and a gastroprotector
  • Sambiloto: Anti-inflammatory / Analgetic and antipyretic
  • Akar Manis: Anti-inflammatory / Analgetic, relieves cough (expectorant) and shortness of breath.
  • Meniran: Immunomodulator and Hepatoprotection
  • Daun Jambu Mete: Anti-pain, relieves diarrhea and bronchodilators.

In the development and research of Herbamuno+ products, Mustika Ratu combines the goodness of Indonesian nature and the latest technology and is supported by a solid innovation team, consisting of internal Research & Development team and a New Product Development team which is a combination of the Pharmacist, Chemist, Microbiologist and Doctor professions. Mustika Ratu also collaborates with external parties consisting of multiclinics who experts in their fields and are currently collaborating with the University of Indonesia for research, innovation, and others.

While staying at the Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta, you can enjoy various interesting activities or just to leisure. Enjoy swimming at the Taman Sari Water Castle Pool, whose design is inspired by the Taman Sari Kraton Yogyakarta. It is a pleasure to try our spa if you need relaxation and fitness, at Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa as it offers various body treatments with products from Mustika Ratu.

Our resort also offers a wide selection of culinary delights from local, western, and Asian dishes at the 3 outlets available. With the availability of the “2nd Night on Us” package, vacationing in Yogyakarta will certainly be more affordable, safer, and more comfortable.

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