Skin Care Treatment With Olive Oil Based Product, What is The Benefit ?

olive oil benefit Mustika Ratu

Skin Care Treatment – Olive oil is known as an oil that has many health benefits, one of which is for the skin. As quoted from Healthline, there are research say that regularly applying olive oil on skin exposed to ultraviolet rays able to fight cancer cells. On the other hand, benefits of olive oil […]

Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus), Is it Vegetables or Fruit ?

jicama, is it vegetables or fruit

Jicama -Does reader never heard Jicama ? It looks like you just didn’t play far away. Jicama has a lot of benefits for users, girls. Maybe some of you will ask about Jicama is vegetables or fruit? If your answer is fruit then you must find out the correct one. Quote from this page, Jicama […]