Great benefits in Herbamuno For Endurance

Great Benefits in Herbamuno

Great Benefits in Herbamuno – Everyone generally wants a strong immune system. This is so that the body is not easily infected with the virus and can carry out daily activities smoothly. Many things can be done to maintain endurance, such as exercise, eating healthy foods to special drugs to maintain and increase the body’s […]

Sambiloto : Herbs That Against Bacteria and Viruses


Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) is a type of herbal plant that grows and easy to find in Indonesia. The use of natural materials as a herbal medicine widely accepted by almost all countries in the world. According to WHO, countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America has been a lot of use of herbal medicines as […]

MRAT Hands Over Herbamuno+ and Hand Sanitizer Aid for Health Workers on Army Hospital all over Java Island.


Jakarta – Chief of Indonesian Army Staff (Kasad), General TNI Andika Perkasa received a visit from the Directors of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT), President Director, Bingar Egidius Situmorang, Chief Financial Officer, Jodi Andrea Suryokusumo, Director of Business Development & Innovation, Kusuma Ida Anjani accompanied by Senior Corporate Communication, Mega Angkasa at the Indonesian Army […]