Press Release – Mustika Ratu (MRAT) Has Succeeded in The Covid-19 Vaccination Program.

Jakarta – The government continues to suppress the rate of spread of covid-19 cases in Indonesia, apart from actively campaigning for the discipline of health protocols, the government also continues to make vaccination during the month of Ramadhan to reach the public, especially the elderly, teachers, and public servants.

To accelerate and simplify the national vaccination program, the government through the Minister of Health collaborates with entrepreneurs who are members of the Global CEO Indonesia Foundation to help provide vaccination services for the elderly, teachers, and public servants, especially for residents around the company.

To support the national vaccine program, Mustika Ratu (MRAT) provides vaccination services for the elderly, teachers, and public servants in stages at the Mustika Ratu Ciracas Hall, East Jakarta, starting Monday (03/05/21).

Vaccine participants must register themselves according to the eligible categories for vaccines, namely seniors aged 60 years, teachers, public servants and have never been vaccinated against Covid-19 and have an identity in the form of a National Identity Card (KTP).

President Director of PT Mustika Ratu Tbk (MRAT), Bingar Egidius Sitomarang said that Mustika Ratu supports government programs to accelerate and simplify vaccine services to the community, especially the elderly, teachers, and public servants. With the cooperation and support from various parties, we hope that the Covid-19 pandemic can disappear from Indonesia soon, “said Bingar Egidius.

In addition to supporting the events in this program, Mustika Ratu (MRAT), through its product innovation, also plays a role in providing the needs for Herbamuno + Herbal Supplements, so that people remain in good health and have strong immunity while waiting for the vaccination program from the government or after vaccination.

Herbamuno + herbal supplement caplet is needed because it can increase endurance.

Herbamuno + Herbal Supplements have been proven empirically and clinically to be very beneficial for health. Herbamuno + contains 5 original selected herbs from Indonesia, namely Green Chireta, Licorice, Gale of the Wind, Small Ginger and Cashew Nut Leaf. The combination of these 5 herbs creates an optimal blend and has benefits as an immunomodulator, has obtained a distribution license number, a production permit from BPOM and is in the process of clinical trials to become a Phytopharmaca product as a natural medicine that has scientifically proven safety and efficacy.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mustika Ratu (MRAT) has collaborated with the government, various social institutions, and the private sector to distribute herbal supplements for Herbamuno +, Hand Sanitizers, Jamu, Masks as assistance for the Indonesian people.

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