PRess Release – PBNU Welcomes Healthy Ramadhan with Mustika Ratu (MRAT)

Jakarta, this year’s Ramadhan is still the same as the previous year, where Muslims in the world fasting are still in an atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic. Muslims must be patient and stay healthy to carry out the fasting month of fasting during trials and all existing limitations.

Even so, as Muslims, we cannot escape maintaining our immune system to stay healthy during fasting in the month of Ramadhan, because our immune system plays an important role in warding off various diseases that intend to attack the body. One way to maintain immunity can be done by consuming herbal supplements that are safe, healthy and halal.

To increase health knowledge, which is very useful during the month of Ramadhan, the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board with Mustika Ratu held a Health Talk event to welcome the Holy Month of Ramadhan 1442 H on Friday, (09/04/21) at the 8th Floor PBNU Ballroom, Jl. Kramat Raya, No. 164, Central Jakarta.

PBNU is the largest community organization in Indonesia based on the Islamic religion, where PBNU hopes that all NU residents throughout Indonesia can fast in a healthy and fit manner by utilizing products derived from nature.

Meanwhile, Mustika Ratu is a company that presents beauty, herbal and health products with original Indonesian herbal ingredients which are produced using modern technology. Mustika Ratu products are in great demand by the public, in addition to their safe, healthy ingredients, they also have a distribution permit from the BPOM and halal certification from the Indonesian Ulama Council.

As stated by the Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, Prof. Dr. KH. Said Aqil Siradj, MA that “We fully support the creativity of Mustika Ratu in innovating, not only in the field of cosmetics but also herbal and health products which all use herbal ingredients which have many health benefits which have been explained in many hadiths and the Al-Quran. I hope the Healthy Talk event to welcome Ramadhan 1442 Hijriyah can continue later, because this can provide maximum benefits for the community, especially NU residents in the context of fasting in the holy month of Ramadhan, “he hoped.

The Healthy Talk program ahead of Ramadhan was organized by PBNU in collaboration with Mustika Ratu, presenting the resource person, dr. Rezha Maulana from the PBNU Health Institute, Linlin Herliawati, Marketing ManagerMustika Ratu, Dini HerlianiMustika Ratu Personal Care Product Manager and Ayu Afni Dwisamudra, Puteri Indonesia DKI Jakarta 2 2020.

Chief Financial Officer of PT MUstika Ratu Tbk (MRAT), Jodi Andrea Suryokusumo explained that “Mustika Ratu products all come from natural Indonesian herbal plants, as herbal plants have been known and used by the prophet Muhamad Shalallahu Alaihi Wa Salam both as a treatment and to maintain health and everything has been written in various hadiths and the Al-Quran. So, the momentum of Ramadhan is very appropriate for Muslims, besides worshiping solemnly, it also utilizes Mustika Ratu products which come from herbal ingredients that are safe, healthy and halal, besides that the company founded by DR.BRA. Mooryati Soedibyo has now succeeded in penetrating into the healthcare and personal care segments.

We hope that this activity will provide many benefits and as an initial step for PBNU and Mustika Ratu to forge better cooperation in the future, “said Jodi.

The healthy talk program ahead of Ramadhan is getting more interesting when each resource person provides material related to what things must be prepared before the coming of the month of Ramadan 1442 H Hijriyah, especially the need for herbal supplements in terms of health and religion.

PBNU Health Institute, dr. Razha Maulana explained that “During fasting in the month of Ramadhan, it is quite good to consume herbal ingredients such as healty beverage and herbal supplements. The use of healthy beverage and herbal supplements can be used to maintain excellent stamina and endurance during fasting. This herbal concoction is suitable for maintaining smooth fasting for families that are safe and healthy to consume every day, “he said.

Furthermore, Marketing Manager of Mustika Ratu, Linlin said that “Mustika Ratu has prepared a series of products for the month of Ramadhan, one of which is the herbal supplement caplet Herbamuno+ which is needed by the public to increase endurance during the month of Ramadhan during the current pandemic,” he said.

Herbal Supplement Mustika Ratu Herbamuno + Herbal supplements have been proven empirically and clinically to be very beneficial for health. Herbamuno+ contains 5 original selected herbs from Indonesia, namely Green Chireta, Licorice, Gale of the wind, Small Ginger and Cashew Nut Leaf. The combination of these 5 herbs creates an optimal blend and has benefits as an immunomodulator, has obtained a distribution license number, a production permit from BPOM and is in the process of clinical trials to become a Phytopharmaca product as a natural medicine that has scientifically proven safety and efficacy.

In addition to providing a healthy and beautiful life, Mustika Ratu products also provide broad opportunities for the community to develop themselves into entrepreneurs by joining being part of Mustika Ratu’s Resellers. “The method is very easy by registering at Everyone can be entrepreneurial by enjoying Mustika Ratu products while increasing income for the family, “said Dini Herliani.

Hopefully, we can all welcome Ramadhan with a happy, sincere, and healthy mood with Mustika Ratu’s product range during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hopefully, this year’s Ramadhan can educate us to be more godly human beings.

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